In 2021, Ishani Singh, a senior at High Technology High School in Lincroft, New Jersey, faced a stark realization: she was the only female competitor in a computer science competition. This experience inspired her to create a platform aimed at encouraging girls to explore artificial intelligence (AI), a field where female representation remains limited.
Founding Girls Rule AI
Determined to make a difference, Singh founded Girls Rule AI at the end of her freshman year. She spent a year meticulously developing slideshows, coding materials, and lectures, launching the first set of classes the summer after her sophomore year.
Singh’s classes, taught live from her bedroom, are completely free. “I wanted to create a community where girls feel safe to learn AI foundations and take their first steps on this journey because it’s really a powerful tool for everyone,” Singh explained.
Expanding a Global Initiative
What started with 15 students in 2021 has grown exponentially, with class sizes reaching 60 in 2024. Girls Rule AI now boasts chapters in 25 U.S. states and six countries, including Kenya. Singh has recruited four training assistants to help manage the growing demand.
Support and Future Plans
Singh credits her peers, teachers, and school for their overwhelming support. She is now seeking sponsors to provide merchandise and further promote Girls Rule AI courses. Her focus remains on expanding the initiative, ensuring that women are actively included in shaping the future of AI.
Girls Rule AI has become a beacon for young women looking to step into the world of artificial intelligence, empowering the next generation of female innovators.